Reversed wage gap in the crypto industry
According to a survey conducted by Pantera Research Lab, the median salary for women working full-time in the cryptocurrency industry
in the United States is $172,000, while men earn $150,000. Researchers Matt Stephenson, Ally Zach,
and Nick Zurck explained on July 29 that "our analysis shows that wage differences among employees in the crypto industry are the reverse of what is typically observed
in most professions."
Shift toward equality
In traditional companies, women usually earn only $0.84 for every dollar that men earn.
The relatively fair wages in the crypto industry thus suggest a shift toward greater equality.
Conducted survey
The Pantera Capital survey included data from 502 full-time employees in the United States, collected between June 4 and July 20, 2024.
The survey was conducted online through networks such as LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), newsletters, and emails.
Longer tenure as the reason
Higher salaries for women can partly be attributed to their longer tenure in the crypto industry, with women having
a median tenure of 5.3 years compared to 4.5 years for men. Women also make up a larger proportion of mid-level and senior positions,
while a larger proportion of men occupy entry-level positions.
However, it is encouraging that both men and women in the crypto industry are earning higher salaries compared to most other professions.
This trend suggests that the cryptocurrency industry may be more progressive in many respects and offers different opportunities than those we are accustomed to.